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I've been tagged!

Since I mostly use this blog to talk about my adorable son, I decided to accept the challenge and post a little bit about me instead!
1. Post these rules. 
2. Post a photo of yourself and a few random facts.
3. Answer the questions listed at the bottom.

(currently my favorite picture...taken at my brother's wedding)

Random Facts
  • I secretly aspire to writing something amazing one day.  A book that everyone will talk about because it's just that awesome.  I also will probably never make it because I write about 20 pages and get bored.  Pathetic, I know.
  • I am a dual-citizen because I was born in my mom's country but my dad is an American, thus making me an American.  However, I'm not allowed to run for president, which was a source of disappointment for me growing up because I always thought it would be cool to be the first woman president.
  • Sometimes I really miss being in school.  Sometimes I even miss doing homework.  Sometimes...I have to force myself not to do my husband's homework because I know that is considered cheating.
  • I hated meat before I got pregnant.  Except sometimes I'd each chicken.  Then when I was pregnant I began craving hamburgers every day.  Now I love meat!  Except chicken.  Talk about a turn-around!

  • If you had to pick 1 thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pasta.  In college I lived off pasta.  Sometimes I still make it three or four times a week.  It never gets old.

  • If you could be any celebrity, who would you be?

I would honestly hate being a celebrity.  I like having my privacy!

  • What would you do with $5000, if you had to spend it all in 1 day?
Start working on my son's wardrobe for the next five years.  Maybe get myself some new clothes.  Get all the maintenance done on our vehicles.  No wait, I've changed my mind.  Little man and I would take a trip to visit hubby!  Why did I not think of that immediately?!

  • What is your favorite scent? (perfume)

Preppy Princess by Vera Wang, which unfortunately was a limited time scent that I can't get anymore.  I also love the original Princess by Vera Wang.  Mmmmm.

  • If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

I love my name.  I wouldn't change it, sorry. 

  • Chocolate or Fruit Candy?
Chocolate.  Wait, chocolate covered fruit, is that an option?

  • What is your favorite day of the week?
I have no idea.  Being a stay-at-home mom I feel like every day is like every other day.  :)

  • What is your favorite restaurant?
While I was pregnant it was Five Guys.  Now?  I don't know.  Eating out alone is lame.

  • Where did you meet/tell us the story of you and your hubby?
My hubby and I met when we first started college.  My roommate had a crush on his roommate and invited them over to our place for dinner.  They began coming over every night.  I thought hubby was attractive right from the beginning.  He was attracted to me too.  In the natural progression of things we eventually started talking (he was super shy) and then started going out.  He served an LDS mission and I waited for him.  When he got home, we picked up the relationship and kept going.  We were engaged within 4 months and married within 7.  :)

  • Book you last read or are reading now and what you thought/think of it?  
I just finished reading "Life of Pi" which for some reason I had never picked up before.  It was really well written, I thought, and really made me think what I would do in the same situation.  I'm astounded by the story.  I don't want to give it away to anyone who hasn't read it, so I won't say anymore.  I felt it was worth reading though.
Now it's time for me to tag some other blogging friends to do this little get-to-know-you-quiz:
  • Laura G.
  • Emily B.
  • Leisl C.
  • Rachelle B.
  • Jayme S.

Answer the following questions:
-What do you like to do on a rainy day?
-What made you decide to start a blog?
- If you died tomorrow, what one thing would you want to accomplish first?
-When you look back on your childhood, what stands out the most?
-Do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist?  Why? 
-What is your favorite state to visit?
-Tell us about one person who has changed your view of the world (for better or worse).
-Is there a song that you feel describes your life?  What is it and why?
-Do you prefer going out with friends or staying home on the weekends?
-What is your ideal way to spend a Saturday?

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