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I hope everyone had a great Easter!

Little man and I had a pretty low-key celebration, since we'd already celebrated before hubby left. 

I attempted to make hot cross buns, which was a tradition in my family growing up.  Unfortunately I accidentally put in twice as much salt as I was supposed to.  Then they didn't rise.  So they were very salty, dense, hot cross buns. 

Little man still munched on them though.

After church (and a much needed nap) we had Easter presents and chocolate! 

(the dump truck was a gift from Nana and Grandpa)

Then before bed we pulled out the scriptures and read all about Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection.  I am trying to teach my son, even at this young age, that although Easter and Christmas are fun, there is a much deeper meaning.  And although I know he doesn't understand the words yet, I think he feels the spirit.  These little ones are much closer to God than we are.

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