I have been thinking a lot lately about prayer. Over the years, I have heard many amazing stories about answered prayers. In my own life I use it daily as a means to communicate with my Father in heaven, to thank Him for His many tender mercies, and to ask Him for extra help where I may need it. Prayer is what I turn to when I don't know where else to turn.
Lately, however, I've been questioning certain aspects of prayer. I know that when I pray for my needs, I am admitting to Heavenly Father that I need His help and as I show faith, I can expect guidance and strength from Him. Why is it, though, that we pray for others? When someone is sick, when a job needs to be found, when a marriage is in trouble...I assure people that I will pray for them. Is it because they cannot receive the intended blessings unless more than one person shows faith? I don't think so. I can't imagine that Heavenly Father would deny blessings to someone who is fervently praying and asking in faith if their friends aren't also doing so.
I can't grasp how my prayers on behalf of friends and family help. I have a lot of searching and pondering ahead of me. How can I expect to teach my son the concept of prayer if I don't fully understand it myself?
You bring up some great points. Points that I can't answer. Pray about it? haha jk. But really. Maybe in teaching your son you will be able to learn more about prayer.
But I do agree with you. Just because more people are praying for someone/thing doesn't make it more likely or more needful or more deserving than the family that noone is praying for.
Maybe prayer is a last option, a way of saying to the Lord "I don't know what else to do. Please help them. Please show me how I can help them."
I honestly don't know though.
(also my word verification word is 'copest' :) haha)
I really like this post Tenika thanks for sharing this. I love prayer too I love that we have a Heavenly Father that we can turn to.
I have also wondered why do we need to pray for others when we know that they are also praying for help. Like you said Heavenly Father won't not answer someone prayers just because no one else is praying for them.
I like what Jayme said and agree with it sometimes there's nothing we can do to help so we pray. I think it shows Heavenly Father our faith and our compassion and love for our brothers and sisters.
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